PET scan results

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PET scan results


I was diagnosed with cancer the Thursday before Christmas 2022. They flew me from Cairns to Brisbane on the 1st of January. I had an open hysterectomy on the 3rd of January. I was told I had a 20cm cancerous mass on my right ovary and endocrine cancer. The mass was painful but I’m lucky I had it because I wouldn’t have know I had endocrine cancer which was aggressive. Both were caught at stage A. I then had five weeks of radiation. Which was a hard road. It’s been three months since radiation finished and I still haven’t got my energy back. It’s messing with my head. I had my PET scan last Monday and I get the results Thursday the 20th . I feel alone and worried. I don’t want talk about to my family and friends because I don’t want to worry anyone. Im really struggling. I went straight into menopause so my emotions have bern all over the place. Im asking myself so many what if questions and I know one day at time. I have Lynch syndrome so I can’t go on any HRT therapies and the radiologist said it’s a can of worms it’s not if it comes back it’s when. I’m really snuggling to cope. I don’t know if I’m tired because of the radiation or if the cancer is back. I feel so alone.

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Re: PET scan results

Hi @Shae77 

I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I really am.

Three months isn't very long post treatment.


I was diagnosed with lynch syndrome in 2006 after I had genetic counselling followed by genetic testing. , and started monitoring (colonoscopy every 12 months and endoscopy every 2 years).

I ended up being diagnosed with stage 2a bowel cancer in 2017 when I was 40.

After discussion with my surgeon I had a total colectomy (it significantly reduced the risk of bowel cancer coming back).

A few years later during a regular review my surgeon referred me to another doctor who does endoscopic ultrasounds of another internal organs.


Scan anxiety is just the worst. It really is.

Maybe you could discuss with a GP or a surgeon or another specialist about what other surgeries to reduce risk, or even better, other scans they can incorporate in your regular survallence as I mentioned above.


All the best,



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