Private health insurance


Private health insurance

Hi all, I was interested in getting health insurance before I turn 31 and have to pay a bit extra. I'm currently 27 so I have a few more years up my sleeve (all going well). So I guess I want to know what funds other people insure with? Are they any good? Did they cover chemo/radiation/surgery and other cancer-related stuff? I would like a policy that also covers IVF (just in case I get clucky). My insurance had just expired when I was diagnosed two years ago. I want to have something in place just in case it comes back. Cheers Nell
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Private health insurance

Hi, In my experience get private health Asap because there is waiting periods. My diagnosis was done in a week rather than 2 months (not exaggerating) only because I had private health. When buying the cover get them to explain everything to make sure it covers what you want.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Private health insurance

I have private insurance but never used it for my cancer treatment. Seems that as soon as the local hospitals notice you have it they start charging you for everything that they can. Only reason a lot of people out here have the insurance is due to the Government wanting to tax you and actually I think it would be cheaper if they did as the private insurance costs are ridiculously high I feel and they cannot supply the options they say they can as they are based in major cities and not out here in the bush. So I feel that using the public system worked out quite well for my treatment as I needed to travel to the nearest city for 3 months to get it.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Private health insurance

Yeah same I live in a rural town also. I was only in the local hospital once and the only private health perk there was a newspaper so I went public. All my in-patient things were covered from memory.
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New Contributor

Re: Private health insurance

I was with Medibank Private and it was HOPELESS. I had booth boobs off and I had to pay $7,500 this is with Top Hospital cover. I would love to know if you find somewhere because I will swap ASAP. Cheers Christine
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