Tonque cancer and melanoma

Occasional Contributor

Tonque cancer and melanoma

Hi there

I was actually trying to find a support group to join to help me get through this new and scary diagnosis. I’m glad I found this site as I couldn’t find a community group (face to face) that related to Neck and Head cancer.

I suppose I should consider myself one of the lucky ones. Although I underwent surgery on 1 March for tonque cancer of which they removed my neck lymph nodes, they said I am cancer free. But need to have radiation in 2 weeks and some chemo, which scares the crap out of me. They said it is to ensure any microscopic cancer cells (that don’t get picked up during surgery)  are destroyed. I was also diagnosed with two melanomas on my arm just prior to being diagnosed with TC and they decided to remove them at the same time.

During this time my dad passed away and I couldn’t go to his funeral in Qld, and my relationship broke down.

It is a very lonely time isn’t it ? I live alone and although I have a couple of really close friends and my daughters live nearby, I find everything is becoming quite overwhelming even though I try daily to self help and keep myself busy. Unfortunately dealing with chronic depression does not help. Sorry for all the depressing stuff, but it feels good to let it out. I find that you can only tell people so much as I have always been a protector of others. 
It really is a getting by day to day.
I’ve read a few  posts here and my 💜 goes  out to everyone that has experienced this dreadful C one way or another and I hope I can bring some comfort to u through this site. xo

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Re: Tonque cancer and melanoma

Hi Lyndy60 !! This utterly broke my heart. I’m laying here in a hammock right now and I read through this and I barely could even stand what I was reading. As a HUGE faith believing lover of Jesus I suggest you go to church, get to know some people and tell them your story. Ask for some prayer. There’s no need for you to be lonely because Jesus loves you and He has a plan for your life , ESPECIALLY hearing you’re a cancer survivor I can’t imagine how many lives you will touch through this. Please promise me you will try it if you haven’t already. I’m praying for you, love! I’m praying for the chemo! 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Tonque cancer and melanoma

Hi Aly

Thanks 🙏 for your message , and lovely to hear from you.

Unfortunately I have tried to reach out to God with many previous heartbreaks but lost some faith in prayer and lost my way in that.  Others do prayer for me which I am very grateful for.

I am just sitting at ONJ now waiting for as mask to be made. I feel like I’m one of the lucky ones. Taking one day at a time  😊 

thank you again.

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Re: Tonque cancer and melanoma

I completely understand the doubting God, I’m a faithful Christian and we can’t always understand why things happen and why a lot of things don’t seem to get better , or at least take a long time to get better. There’s so much suffering!!! 😞 it’s hard because we forget he mentions suffering is a part of life , but if we view him as our only hope , it makes things not HOPELESS. We know we have a hope. I myself have doubted on several occasions we all do !!! God knows it’s hard. I only ask you consider not giving up and be consistently reaching  out. It’s all your personal choice of course!!! I want to be a loving encouragement to you as I have lost family members to sickness and cancer being one of them. I’m here for you. 

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Re: Tonque cancer and melanoma

Thanks Aly. I appreciate your reply and I do understand all that in relation to God and do still reach out and believe. There’s a lot of turmoil in this world and he does provide hope. With this all going on, I know the good stuff that has happened I am grateful for. We tend to forget about that it could be so much worse- like this was caught in time, that my grandson born 6 weeks ago came into our lives at the right time, and that I was told my speech would not be good from day one but it’s practically back to normal. So I am grateful that a lot of good too comes from things like this. 🌸🌸

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Re: Tonque cancer and melanoma

Your response was so completely inspiring to me as you have such a good heart, and positive attitude for someone who went through such suffering, and I do believe suffering does make people turn into the most phenomenal people even though it’s so difficult. What a true gem you are! Not only did you survive cancer but if you worst case senario weren’t going to make it, it’s better on the other side, anyway! That’s what I always say. Thank you for making my day today. I just want to go around and remind everyone of the hope we have in our Jesus 🫶🏼🥰🥰🥰 Love you, friend. 

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