Understanding my PET scan

New Contributor

Understanding my PET scan


Today I was told that I have lung cancer, given the pet & CT scan results & booked in for a biopsy with camera. Albiet I think the finality in the biopsy will confirm what my respiratory specialist said today. My concern is understanding the pet scan? He wasn't too helpful. I have a nodule in my right upper lobe lungdisplaying high fdg & high grade increased activity in right upper lobe, which upon researching isn't good. Eg: I have mild fdg in bilateral axillary lymph nodes & moderate fdg in left inguinofemoral lymph nodes. So where can I go to understand the above. My GP is pretty average too, but live in the country & not alot of choice. Warm hugs Heather 

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Understanding my PET scan

Hello Hevins60,

I am very sorry to hear about your diagnosis, and it is unfortunate that you cannot find someone to clarify those questions for you.

While you wait for one of our lovely members to share their experience with you I would like to suggest (if living in Australia) to call Cancer Council Information and Support Line on 13 11 20, hopefully one of the oncologist nurses can provide some light for you. 


Warm regards


Cancer Council

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New Contributor

Re: Understanding my PET scan

Thankyou for responding, alas I tried this morning, after waiting for a while, the call was disconnected as the meds voice said too busy.


May try next week 😉

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