tyroid cancer

New Member

tyroid cancer

Hi everyone, 


it is my first time here. I discovery the cancer 2 months ago and my life became a big messy.

I'm immigrant and don't speak English well. I was working, going to the gym, trying to make friends, but now, I'm in my home all the lime. 

I had my surgery, but don't feeling emotionally stable. I'm feeling depressed and I have binge eating, I can stop to eat.

I'm need help, but I don't know how I can fund.


Sorry for my vent.

Super Contributor

Re: tyroid cancer

Hi @CRS77 

Welcome to our community. 

What stage is it and what treatment have you been receiving?


It's a very difficult time. I can only imagine how hard and isolating this must be for you.

Where have you been receiving treatment?

They should be able to assist with a social work who might be able to provide some guidance for you.


Also have you tried calling lifeline?

If you feel that language might be a barrier they offer multiple languages support.


or you could try a text option that they have available.





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