Prostate Cancer Webinar - Lifestyle, Exercise & Nutrition

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Prostate Cancer Webinar - Lifestyle, Exercise & Nutrition

The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia are hosting their next Webinar on the 27th of November.


Their panel of leading health experts will provide an overview of the importance of exercise, diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in relation to prostate cancer. Key themes to be discussed include: lifestyle, exercise and nutrition.


Registration is free and the webcast is open to all people affected by prostate cancer, including partners, family, and friends. The discussion will be guided by key themes from the latest research, and by moderated questions sent through during the live broadcast.


Date: Wednesday, November 27th

Time: 7pm AEDT

Where: Online, via any internet capable device

Cost: Free


The panel will be hosted by Richardl Goncalves along with the following panel members:

  • Dr Katelyn Barnes
  • Ross Campbell
  • Professor Rob Newton
  • Adjunct Professor Sally Sara

You can view further details about the PCFA Webinar here.


You can register for this webinar, here.

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