Yoga and mental health in cancer study

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Yoga and mental health in cancer study

Researchers from the NICM Health Research Institute are currently seeking participants to complete an online survey. This survey will help inform a clinical trial that will examine the effectiveness of a yoga program for the mental health of people diagnosed with cancer. This trial is to be conducted in 2020.


A little bit more about the research:

Psychological distress in people diagnosed with cancer is common and can have a number of negative consequences for affected people, including a reduced quality of life and increased experience of physical symptoms. Yoga interventions have the potential to address issues such as anxiety and depression to reduce or eliminate these effects.


Who can join?

  • Men and women aged over 18 years.
  • Have been diagnosed with any type of cancer (whether undergoing or finished treatment).
  • Do not have severe physical, cognitive, and/or verbal impairments that interfered with their ability to give informed consent for research.
  • Are able to read and understand English.

What's involved?

  • Be able to read the participant information sheet and provide consent.
  • Complete a short online survey composed of 25 multiple choice and short answer questions, containing questions regarding your cancer diagnosis, current status of mental health and wellbeing and your experience with and preferences regarding participation in a yoga practice.

To find out more and to access the participant information and access the survey, please head here.


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