Basal Cell Carcinoma

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Basal Cell Carcinoma

Hi, I'm new here, having just joined and very grateful for the opportunity to talk to other people out there who may be going through similar experiences as me! I'm 41 years old and have just been diagnosed with BCC on my scalp, I first noticed a small scab over 5 years ago but after being misdiagnosed for a long time it has now grown quite large. I'm afraid of surgery and am considering other treatment options like radiation therapy. I would very much like to hear from someone who has been through this or something similar? I'm very alone in this and terrified!!
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Re: Basal Cell Carcinoma

I have had a basil cell carcinoma cut out of my hand over a number of years the last time it broke out, my doctor prescribed a cream to be put on the skin before bed and in the morning the lotion was washed off,he said it worked by stimulating the immune system as well, my hand has never looked as good, I was also undergoing Chemotherapy at the time for another cancer but you can only use this cream one time I last used it 3 years ago and no break out or spread since so good luck it might be worth an enquirey for you kj
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