Chemo questions

Occasional Contributor

Chemo questions

Hey all, i just wondered if anyone can help. I have had surgery for bowel cancer and so far one round of chemo, which finished about 4 days ago. On the night I had the CADD taken off I felt pretty average and at about 10.30 woke up with sweating, chest pain, weakness and nausea. It was really horrible. I saw my oncologist yesterday who said I probably had a heart ummm I forget, weird rhythm and should have called the ambos. It's so hard to know though, I have no idea what is normal anymore and can't read my body. I still have a bit of chest pain on and off and can't sleep cos I'm scared I'm going to have a heart attack. Has anyone had this issue? And I also wondered how people feel between chemo treatments. Do we expect to feel completely well or have lingering issues that feel like a virus? I just can't read it at all. Thank you in advance! :)
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Re: Chemo questions

coolshoes While having Chemotherapy you can have the symptoms of sweating ,nausea and weakness,but I think if you are having chest pains don't wait to see what happens get it checked immediately if your oncologist said it could have been an unusual rhythm have it checked. I spent most of the time unwell during Chemo but others I know did not suffer we are all different. I remember during chemo I was also unsure of my bodily reactions, better to be safe than sorry you will have different reactions and in time hopefully you will be able to read what is normal.Good Luck kj
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Chemo questions

G'day Coolshoes ,At the time when you had the weird heart rhythm did you feel a shortness of breath ,and when you say that you felt weak did you feel that you would/could collapse .If these symptoms occur again or are still happening go straight to hospital it is an emergency . I had these reactions when I had my Chemo although I was very near to the end of my treatment. Graeme .
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Chemo questions

G'day Coolshoes ,At the time when you had the weird heart rhythm did you feel a shortness of breath ,and when you say that you felt weak did you feel that you would/could collapse .If these symptoms occur again or are still happening go straight to hospital it is an emergency . I had these reactions when I had my Chemo although I was very near to the end of my treatment. Graeme .
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Chemo questions

G'day Coolshoes ,At the time when you had the weird heart rhythm did you feel a shortness of breath ,and when you say that you felt weak did you feel that you would/could collapse .If these symptoms occur again or are still happening go straight to hospital it is an emergency . I had these reactions when I had my Chemo although I was very near to the end of my treatment. Graeme .
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Chemo questions

Thank you, I did go to the hospital yesterday to get checked out. They did ECG, bloods and CT, everything came up normal so it put my mind at rest a bit. So it was good to get a good nights sleep. If it happens again I will definitely go to the hospital. It's just so hard to know what is normal, although at the moment nothing seems normal at all. Thank you for your replies, they are going to keep me in and monitor me for the next round just to be safe. Libby
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Chemo questions

Still feeling weak and shaky. I guess I could have a virus? This is so frustrating. Trying to stay positive though.
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Super Contributor

Re: Chemo questions

coolshoes That is good you had yourself checked out, and also to keep you in overnight after your next dose of chemo,we have all had these doubts about the effects of chemo. kj
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