I have recently heard of the antidepresant drug Clomipramine being used to treat brian tumours. My understanding (with what I have come across on internet) is there is hope for treatment?
Some extracts from the internet-
By Professor Geoffrey Pilkington BSc PhD CBiol FIBiol FRCPath
"Clomipramine: A Breakthrough For Brain Tumours?
Originally published in May 2003 icon, this article looks at the potential of using chlomipramine, a tricyclic drug already widely available, to treat brain tumours or brain cancer. Since it was written we have covered research in Cancer Watch which concluded that using chlomipramine with the drug Temozolomide could improve the performance of Temozolomide and enhance survival times."
"In more than 30 years laboratory-based research into the biological nature of brain tumours, few developments have excited me more than the seemingly bizarre finding that an antidepressant drug may provide an effective way to combat this resistant group of cancers."
A BBC 4 programme explores some history http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b013xsm1/Treating_Tumours_Old_Drug_New_Tricks/
Anyone else have experience or insight?