Lymph gland removal Post Op pain

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Lymph gland removal Post Op pain

I am wondering if anyone else has experienced a tearing, burning discomfort after removal of groin lymph gland. It is 8 weeks since complete hysterectomy and lymph removal and this feeling was present immediately after surgery and continues without subsiding. My surgeon is now a very long distance away so casual appointments are impractical but I did make the trip recently and was told it could be a fluid accumulation but there is no swelling. Just hoping someone might shed a new light on it, not that it is a huge issue in the overall scheme of things and I am not complaining...just curious.
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Re: Lymph gland removal Post Op pain

Hi Wysewun, Here's a couple of suggestions for places to go on the internet where there are others who may have similar experiences: Go to the vast community forums at and find a suitable forum to post your message there. When I checked on 12th February 2014 the overall stats for their forums were threads..514,381 posts..4,213,992 members..325,109 ! There are links to some lymphedema forums (discussion boards) on the web page I hope the pain subsides soon 🙂 Cheers - Ed.
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