Oesophagus (food tube)

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Oesophagus (food tube)

Got diagnosed with lower oesohagal cancer back in December 2008. Makes eating sometimes painful. I've either gotta chew heaps or avoid food like bread and steak that's going to stick to it.I'm on ECF chemo from Feb 4th to early April 2009 to reduce the tumour before getting it removed... that's the current plan.Original complaint was stomach pain while eating and taking longer to digest stuff the latter I don't think has been fully addressed.I'm not too stressed about it, more friggin annoyed that it's taking so long to go through the procedure before getting it removed. It's because it's not spreading and they're making damn sure of it with the chemo. Plus the surgeon/specialist tells me it's probably better as the less he has to slice the more chance of life ;-)I'm interested to find out who's still around and how their recovery after the operation went.
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Re: Oesophagus (food tube)

I was diagnosed last month and start on chemo/ radiation beginning of next week. What should i expect?
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Re: Oesophagus (food tube)

I was diagnosed last month and start on chemo/ radiation beginning of next week. What should i expect?

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