Ovarian cancer

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Ovarian cancer

My name is Denise - I was diaognosed with Ovarian cancer - Stage 3c in Jan 2007. Since then, I have had surgery, followed by 4 lines of chemo. The chemo has ceased to be effective, and I am now on alternative therapies [since late Oct - 2008] Are there any other Ovarian cancer patients out there that I could talk to .....?    
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Ovarian cancer

Hi Denise My name is Alexa I have had ovarian Cancer since 2005 with a second type diagnosed in 2006. I am currently having Caeylx chemo my third option, it is keeping my tumour count down and it is working for me so far. I would be interested to know what other measures you are taking. As this is what my oncologist called my last ditch chemo so if it fails, I am out of choices. 
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