Side Effect-Free SEF Chemo

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Side Effect-Free SEF Chemo

Has anyone heard of Side Effect-Free SEF Chemotherapy. A friend directed me to the Berkley International Institute website and it says that even Stage IV patients are getting complete remission with this treatment. I wonder if there is any truth in this? Raelene
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Re: Side Effect-Free SEF Chemo

Hi Raelene, I've never heard of this particular chemo through Berkley, but I can tell you that my dad had two sessions of a trial chemo recently that claimed to have "less toxicity" than any other chemo on the market and sadly, it was the worst chemo out of the lot (my dad has tried many). I'm very sceptical now. I think immune therapy is the way of the future. I can't see any chemo not being toxic. Regards Ashley
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Re: Side Effect-Free SEF Chemo

Hi Ashley It is nice to hear from you. I have had a few people tell me that they don't think this treatment really exists at Berkley. My Dad has just been accepted into a trail for a new immunotherapy drug called Nivolumab (common name Opdivo). They have high expectations for it and it is supposed to have minimal side-effects compared to chemo. We are hoping for the best! Kind regards Raelene
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Re: Side Effect-Free SEF Chemo

That is great news. I saw a documentary on immune therapy and it does really look very promising. Regards Ashley
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