Testicular cancer and RPLND surgery

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Testicular cancer and RPLND surgery

I was diagnosed a few months back, I had told my old Dr about it a few years ago but unfortunately wasnt picked up, he even refused a second referral because the first came back with nothing it took a new Dr and three years later before we found out.  Its moved into my lymphonode they said its only in one, and the testical they removed had 70% yolk sac, 20% immature teratoma, 10% embyronal carcinoma. After reading that teratomas can not be treated with chemo or radiation I was wondering why they wouldn't just cut it out to begin with.. my oncologist said it was to make sure I needed surgery, there was a chance the teratoma hadn't spead. Now we know it has and I have stopped/refused treatment and want to just go ahead with surgery I see no point in continuing chemo when they will just cut it out, ive done two months and it had shrunk the tumor atleast 7mm which would surley be enough to get any microscopic stuff too? Hoping to speak with someone who has has had both or someone who has just had the RPlND surgery 🙌 thanks for taking the time to read my message.

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Testicular cancer and RPLND surgery

Hi Joshwhit12345,

Thank you very much for joining the online community and for sharing your experience.

I hope one of our members could also share their experience with Testicular cancer and RPLND surgery with you.


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