What is your experience with side effects and how did you deal with them?

Occasional Visitor

What is your experience with side effects and how did you deal with them?

Hi my name is Alyssa. I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in April last year. My experience with cancer so far has been a wild journey. I had trouble managing my side effects of nausea and vomiting. And I also lost conditioning in my muscles and had difficulty walking.


However, this led me into researching ways that I could manage my side effects. For a school project I have decided to study the topic of complementary therapies in cancer treatment. I would love to hear how you have managed your side effects and learn what methods you used. Below is a link to a survey I've created about the use of complementary therapies. If you were to complete it I would be extremely grateful!! The survey is anonymous and only takes 3 minutes.




Alternatively, leave a reply telling me what methods you've used to deal with side effects and share your story!


If you could share this survey to other patients that would great too! I need all the help I can get 🙂

Thank you!


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