high CA125...any other reasons?

Occasional Contributor

high CA125...any other reasons?

Hi, I have Ovarian cancer and just got a high reading for my CA125, it's 205 and should be below 35, I'm really shocked by this result as I feel really healthy, eating and sleeping well, excersising every day and no stress in my life.... so I'm thinking there HAS to be other reasons for elevated readings (apart from tumours giving off a protein)...doesn't there?? does any one else have CA125 tests? and have high readings but no tumours? I have booked a thermo-imaging appointment next wednesday to make sure there are no tumours since the last MRI(in December) showed none. So disapointing.... I feel like swearing but that's probably not allowed on here?!:)
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Frequent Contributor

Re: high CA125...any other reasons?

sorry Hev, cant help you out on this one! This is not one of the markers that I have checked. Hope someone else can help you! Good luck. Di
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Re: high CA125...any other reasons?

G'day Hev There is an excellent website that is sponsored by the College of pathologists that explains all these various tests, what they mean and what can cause a high reading. Go to http://www.labtestsonline.org.au and have a hunt round there - they give the other things that can cause a high reading. Cheers Sailor An incorrectly identified mark is a hazard, not an aid, to navigation. Alton B. Moody
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Occasional Contributor

Re: high CA125...any other reasons?

Thanks Sailor, that's really useful and a very informative website:)
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