just about to go into surgery for first time

Occasional Contributor

just about to go into surgery for first time

My surgery is scheduled for this saturday. I have breast cancer in my right breast and wondered how long you are incapacited - eg not driving and feel awful. I am having a masectomy as the tumour is quite large. I know it will be diffenrt for everyone, but I am hoping not too long. I live on 20 acres out of town and will be fairly isolated if I can't drive.I guess it will depend on how many lymph nodes need to be removed. Reading some of your blogs it has made me realise I may be off work for some time, but I have read some people go back to work fairly quickly too. I was wondering about other peoples experiences.
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Re: just about to go into surgery for first time

Hi Sunflower, I hope all has gone well. I don't have breast cancer, Im a survivor of kidney cancer, but if you want to chat Im here. Jules
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Occasional Contributor

Re: just about to go into surgery for first time

Hi Jules yes all went well, it is now 8 weeks since surgery and i have started chemotherapy. I feel really good in this third week since chemo and have to go back again next week. I have met some lovely people in local supprit groups and I also treasure the comments i receive on line. so thankyou for your reply
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