views on drinking whilst having chemo

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Re: views on drinking whilst having chemo

I think, ask your physician. I'm inclined to agree that if you still like the taste and it makes you feel good, then some indulgence won't harm you. Just be careful about alcohol and how it combines with any other drugs (like painkillers) you are taking. Pharmicists can give good advice about that too. Go well with your treatment. I start mine of radiotherapy and four days of chemo, this thursday. I'll visit the forums when I can to see how you are going. cheers Jan
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Re: views on drinking whilst having chemo

Hi there megan elizabeth, Hey i love your pic too :) As for drinking while having chemo i think if your Dr Onc says it's ok then go for it. Personally i was far too sick to even think about it when i was having chemo, but i believe it's a personal choice;) Mez
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