would like to know what people think of me deciding on a complete mascetomy of my right breast instead of radiation therapy

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would like to know what people think of me deciding on a complete mascetomy of my right breast instead of radiation therapy

I am not handling my breast cancer very well. I have had a partial mascetomy on my right breast. I am undergoing chemo at present. then I am supposed to have radiation therapy. I have interview with doctor and read the brochure on this and I feel its not for me and am going to ask my specialist for a full mascetomy instead of radiation. I am not sure what doctor is going to say . I know I have to wait to chemo finishes first . I have been told a mascetomy and radiation are both equal to have. I would like to talk to people who have been through this type of cancer and get some other opinions please. I am also willing to help anyone if I can. thankyou
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