Hi there, This thread was a life line for me....! I had just entered treatment last year when I came across it and I tell you the info and support was precious. I am almost a year out now and I can say ditto to what you have shared CaptainAustrali....HOWEVER, my thyroid has never gone above "preclinical hypothyroidism"....so I am fortunate in that regard no meds. I did rush off to my natropath and I am taking some high dose herbs, selenium and other supplements to support it. No meds....yet! I have been preclinical for around 6 months now. I have however hit the gym and following a pretty strict diet....no weight gain. Taste comes and goes, saliva production still around 75% still need water wherever I am, which is challenging at times as I am a teacher. I find my voice gets tired very quickly now, all day teaching can really take a toll on my vocal chords. Other than that I'm doing well....so long as those scans stay all clear can't complain! Great to hear from you and that all is doing well.
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