2 weeks ago
Hello all and thank you for this opportunity, after nearly 4 months of doctors visits looking for answers to pelvic pain which I thought may have been related to a 14 year old hernia repair, so many tests, blood and scans I started questioning if a prostate issue may be the cause, no scan would reveal any issue, docs refusing to even do a psa or dre as I had no other symptoms other than groin pain and elevated wbc, frustrated I ordered privately a psa blood test on 2 occasions with both results 0.60 and 0 70, feeling that something was still not right I went back to the doctor and demanded a referral to a urologist which I was able to see the following week, he performed dre which was of no concern but ordered prostate specific mri be done, my heart sunk when I accessed results online stating that indeed I did have prostate cancer, I think I just want to say if you have a gut feeling stick with what you believe in and seek further opinions.
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