February 2012
Hi Ruby
I'm not sure if you are still on this site, I read your what is normal. I have just finished treatment for Ewings Sarcoma of my right arm. I had the humerus bone removed and replaced with a prothesis, I can't lift my right arm, can't hang up my own washing and still have pain. I also have a young child, although 9 now.
I would love to connect with you and see how your doing now
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February 2012
Hi Ruby
I'm not sure if you are still on this site, I read your what is normal. I have just finished treatment for Ewings Sarcoma of my right arm. I had the humerus bone removed and replaced with a prothesis, I can't lift my right arm, can't hang up my own washing and still have pain. I also have a young child, although 9 now.
I would love to connect with you and see how your doing now
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February 2012
Hi, I just read your demotion story and my heart went out to you. Cancer can have such a ripple effect. I had to give up my job completely, I was in hospital 17 times last year and now I'm going though post chemo fatigue, I'm really concerned about finding a good job again, at the level I was at.
I too, like you have been in middle management.( sounds like a similar level)
I haven't got the answers but it's going though my mind, should I take this as an opportunity to study again.
I read about your decision to look for another job, I think that's great, don't let others make a decision on your behalf, about the direction of your career.
Be brave, you have probably had a big fight for your life, take control!
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I have just got though 11 months of chemotherapy and it was he'll, however I managed it really well mentally and now I feel flat, scared and lonely. I also had my humerous bone in my right arm replaced and have had 8 months of physiotherapy and I still can't lift my arm and I'm finding it so hard to motivate my self to continue with the exercises. I'm just feeling flat and can't seem to get out of it.
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