Dear Donna, I can so relate to how you feel and it is good to talk about it with others who can understand. I had a rare GIST on my stomach removed 15 months ago. My scar is not quite as long- from belly button to breast and like you I have a wonderful husband but he doesn’t talk about things or feelings even after he had melanoma surgery this year. What no one told me was the muscle pain and terrible fatigue and weakness afterwards. Once I knew that was part of the healing I could accept it and just rest when the fatigue hit. I have found walking in nature has been one of the best things to do & reading all sorts of books when you need to just rest. I tried rubbing my scar with vitamin E oil. It has made it almost disappear and I have been taking CoQ10 with ubiqinol to help you I feel very lucky that the tumour was found in time to remove it intact as it proved to be drug, radiation. And chemo resistant. I try to enjoy every day and simple things like going for a coffee with my husband is special.. I nearly died after a miscarriage when we were first married and I was told I might need a hysterectomy but I decided to try and adopt even a special needs child. Again I was lucky and had a family but my daughter has Down syndrome then at 14 - after 2 years and 13 specialist consults we found she had Rokitanski syndromeAnd she had to have a hysterectomy.. my life has been very much a series of ups and Downs but appreciating all the good things in my life has made me realise how fortunate and lucky I have been..My sister survived lymphoblastic leukaemia 36 years ago and we both think that our attitude of believing we will survive has helped us. we all have down days and sometimes the body just needs time to heal and rest and a good cry can clear the air. Reach out when you need to and often easier with other survivors than family. Keep well Toni
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