Hi my name is Jenny. Back in early march I had some stomach discomfort and ended up in hospital with a ruptured appendix. Then after pathology results was confirmed I had Lamn ( low grade apendeceal mucosal neoplasm. ) meaning that had appendix not ruptured all would be fine, but as it did i now could develope PMP. Which means your peritoneal area fills with mucous slowly over years and is life threatening as causes blockages, etc. I am told now I could just get monitored with PetScan every 6 months or have Crs and Hipec, which is a huge operation to cut away any area with tumours at the very least some of the apron inside your peritoneom and then have heated chemo straight into the abdominal cavity. My recent scan was all clear and so was my colonoscopy. I've booked in to have surgery in approx 6 months time.. even though we don't know if PMP will develop.Thing is PetScans don't show up a few cells only more advanced tumours so I'm told. Has anyone else had this ? Or Hipec? Thankyou .
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