Hi Community, I am reaching out for my sister-in-law who has been diagnosed with secondaries/metastasis cancer in the lung (primary cancer was anal cancer) and we are wondering the best dr's, centre, website, resources in finding an oncologist or professor for a second opinion. We currently reside in Townsville, QLD and are willing to travel anywhere to obtain a second opinion. Quick timeline: November 2021 diagnosed with a rare type anal cancer and was cleared in May 2022 (chemo and radiotherapy); Upon another scan in March - 2 lumps in the lung where found and was advised she needed another PET scan in 4-6 months; In Sept 2022 the 2 lumps had doubled in size (1 lump is close to the heart and the other lower in the lung) 11 October 2022, upon visiting the Dr medical oncologist we were advised it was Stage IV and up to 2 years to live (chemo only) no operation. We had asked the oncologist if there were any other specialists in either Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne for a second a opinion, while we start treatement but she did not have any advice for another specialist in a main city location. I am hoping to hear from anyone on the best way in finding an oncologist anywhere in Australia that specialises in anal cancer that has metastasised. There is so much information, it is overwhelming. Any advice is appreciated!
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