Can anyone help me to cope with angry and scary being diagnosed with cancer. I try so hard to get over but I couldn't . Please help!
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Ann It is a very hard when you are diagnosed with cancer it is natural that a number of emotions go through your brain and body,I think coping with the disease and diagnosis is different for everyone. I have had great support, love and understanding from family and friends,I had a chat to a health professional early on and it helped me,I was diagnosed terminal with a life expectancy of up to 2 years . I am now in remission and in to my fifth year after diagnosis, the doctors are not always right, so far I am one of the lucky ones, we are all individuals not statistics I have had doubt and uncertainty along the way but I look forward to each day and the experiences that my life brings. Perhaps think about seeing a medical professional .I do hope that you can find a way that helps you. You are not alone there are others with these feelings you may be surprised with the strength hidden inside of you at this time kj
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Hi kj Thanks for your encourage . I too have a lots of support from family, but sometime I still feeling hopeless and lonely. I always ask why 'me'. I am only 39 year old. While all my friends still very active and healthy, I didn't do any bad things. I always helping people why god so unfair to me! I am very admired with people like you and everyone on the site, they are going through hard time but still so... Brave and strong to face the facts. I know we can't control anything that happen and try to convince myself to calm down. But end up I do get angry and cry everyday for a while when I have pain. ( after that I feel much better). Just want to pray for calming down somehow:(
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Super Contributor
Hi Ann I have a friend who is very ill with Cancer , she has described her journey as living with cancer and not letting cancer define who she is, she has volunteered with helping others and done lots more for the Cancer cause than many others myself included, I draw inspiration From the way she has carried on with her life I had anger and frustration but it is long gone, I focus on what I can do, not on what I can’t , if you feel better after weeping there is nothing wrong with letting your emotions out it is when you do not that you can get sicker, a wise man once said to me we are all going to die at some stage just looks like I may be sooner than later, all you can do is focus on what you can control,unfortunately you have been diagnosed at a much younger age than I was which is sad. Pain can be a part of cancer but it can be helped with medication,the mental pain is much harder to treat.Sorry I can’t suggest any fix to help you. kj
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That is so pain while everyone in the house keep a distant with you because they think it is scary, Look like you will past the disease to them. ( my mother in law doesn't want me to hug my son either). I am alone everyday with no one to talk to except my sister call me everyday on the Skype . She is very supportive but she live in America. My husband and his cruel family talk and laugh just leave me alone:(
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New Contributor
I can understand how you are feeling and people say just keep a positive attitude which is very hard at times. The fear of the unknown is the worst but I always think of the people that are worse off than me and then I thank God I am not as bad. Keep you mind occupied with other things and do not let other people drag you down emotionally.
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A glass of wine helps me
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Anxiety is so scary. The best thing I could possibly suggest is slow your breathing down. Start with 3 seconds in and 3 seconds out, building up to 6 seconds. Also start some meditation. Go to a quiet, safe place, close your eyes, deep breath and go to a calm beautiful spot. Stay there for as long as you can and practice everyday. Good luck and God bless. Sending lots of hugs
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People care, they just get scared or uncomfortable showing it sometimes. Hugs
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I was diagnosed back in 2010 with invasive breast cancer and I feel that the diagnoses was enough for me before having the surgery. This is nearly 4 years now and my experience is that it is hard to trust your self and with the doctors. What I mean here is early in the piece I was scared that the cancer would come back. I had an ultrasound which gave me piece of mind. The surgeon said the next time I saw him he knew to what I did. He reassured me that everything was OK and it was. The cancer hasn't returned. I have my story there if you would like to read it. Get this good book called "Surviving Cancer Emotionally" and "Learning how to heal" and you'll find a lot in it. It is from the UK so you will have to go on the internet to purchase it. It is by a psychiatrist that has done study on these emotions. Glenys.
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