January 2016
Hi, I'm my Mums carer. She has Mesothelioma and is surviving well at the moment. She was diagnosed in September 2014 and had a round of Chemo (cisplatin and alimpta). We attend the Meso Support Group in South Melbourne which has been something we rely on for support, comfort and understanding. Mum was given 8 - 12 months to live nearly 1 and a half years ago. I'm consumed by my Mums Meso but can't imagine how hard it is for her. I hope you're traveling well and would be happy to help with any questions you have. Take care
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March 2015
I completely understand where you are coming from. Life DOES suck and nobody seems to be having such a horrible time like us. Its not fair. Mum stopped all chemo and is just playing it by ear now. She feels like she's dying but it's taking such a long time (her words). She's not a at that final stage yet which is very confusing for me as her carer. What can I expect to see happen with Meso? Will she die suddenly, or over a few days????? It's awful. I've got many other responsibilities in my life and caring for Mum is one I wouldn't want to not do but it's something that is overwhelming me, tipping me over the edge. Life sucks. How much can we do before WE break? How r u doing? What is in your tool kit to help you when its becoming all too much?
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November 2014
Hi Shaz, chemo has been hell. My Mum (and I) are both wondering if getting an extra couple of months is even worth it. But from your post it sounds like she may get more than 2 months and that positive. Mum's shingles returned at chemo 2 so no. 3 was delayed and after 3 the shingles has returned again. I hate that she's in pain often resorting to Endone thru the night. She's very short of breath too. We go to get a scan tomorrow to see if the chemo is making a difference. Mum's chemo is Cisplatin and Alimta. I would love her to see her 67th birthday in Feb but she's on a downward spiral with her attitude and outlook. It's very hard not too get caught up into that negative area.
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November 2014
Hi Kirri, I'm watching my Mum of 66 deteriorate in front of my eyes too. She was once someone who helped me and now I'm her primary carer and it's hard for both of us. Her cancer is terminal and its just a waiting thing now. Not many people know what to say but they try. They only people who make a difference at the moment are palliative care. Not only do they understand, they help me with grief counselling. I wouldn't cope so well without that. They say it gets better. Lets wait and see.
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October 2014
I press save and the website crashes, so I do it again and again and then eventually I learn that it's saved it 4 times. Sorry for that and sorry for being so negative. It was a momentary lapse. Tomorrow will be a better day (if my kids let me sleep).
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October 2014
I'm at the beginning of my Mums terminal cancer (Mesothelioma - doctors have given her 8 - 12 months). I started to care for her and already feeling guilty for thinking the thoughts that pass through my mind. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how I'm going to do it. But, I will because the alternative is unacceptable. I have 2 boys under 7 and they don't care what I've been doing whether its sitting on the chemo ward for 7 hours, listening to Mum being angry (often at me) because of the horrible unfair situation that life has thrown at her or up all night because the steroid tablets are keeping her up. I'm not at your end of this awful time and I know I need to celebrate each win but why can't we (the carers) be angry too. I'm sick of this fake smile and telling her its ok. Its not fair. I'm only existing until better days come. And they will, I just can't see thru the fog at the moment. But.... in saying this I wouldn't walk away from being my Mums carer either but it is very hard and not fair.
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October 2014
I'm at the beginning of my Mums terminal cancer (Mesothelioma - doctors have given her 8 - 12 months). I started to care for her and already feeling guilty for thinking the thoughts that pass through my mind. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how I'm going to do it. But, I will because the alternative is unacceptable. I have 2 boys under 7 and they don't care what I've been doing whether its sitting on the chemo ward for 7 hours, listening to Mum being angry (often at me) because of the horrible unfair situation that life has thrown at her or up all night because the steroid tablets are keeping her up. I'm not at your end of this awful time and I know I need to celebrate each win but why can't we (the carers) be angry too. I'm sick of this fake smile and telling her its ok. Its not fair. I'm only existing until better days come. And they will, I just can't see thru the fog at the moment. But.... in saying this I wouldn't walk away from being my Mums carer either but it is very hard and not fair.
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October 2014
I'm at the beginning of my Mums terminal cancer (Mesothelioma - doctors have given her 8 - 12 months). I started to care for her and already feeling guilty for thinking the thoughts that pass through my mind. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how I'm going to do it. But, I will because the alternative is unacceptable. I have 2 boys under 7 and they don't care what I've been doing whether its sitting on the chemo ward for 7 hours, listening to Mum being angry (often at me) because of the horrible unfair situation that life has thrown at her or up all night because the steroid tablets are keeping her up. I'm not at your end of this awful time and I know I need to celebrate each win but why can't we (the carers) be angry too. I'm sick of this fake smile and telling her its ok. Its not fair. I'm only existing until better days come. And they will, I just can't see thru the fog at the moment. But.... in saying this I wouldn't walk away from being my Mums carer either but it is very hard and not fair.
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October 2014
I'm at the beginning of my Mums terminal cancer. Started to care for her and already feeling guilty for thinking the thoughts that pass through my mind. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how I'm going to do it. But, I will because the alternative is unacceptable. I have 2 boys under 7 and they don't care what I've been doing whether its sitting on the chemo ward for 7 hours, listening to Mum being angry (often at me) because of the horrible unfair crap life has thrown at her or up all night because the steroid tablets are keeping Mum awake. I'm not at your end of this awful time and I know I need to celebrate each milestone but why can't we (the carers) be angry too. I'm sick of this fake smile and telling her its ok. Its not fair. I'm only existing until better days come. And they will, I just can't see thru the fog at the moment. But.... in saying this I wouldn't walk away from being my Mums carer either but it is very hard and not fair.
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