I am upset today as my husband is exhibiting difficult behaviours,,, No matter what I do , he complains,,,,does not want to eat what I cook, says it tastes bad,,, Argues about everything I say to him,,, was listening g in to my phone conversation today and shouting out " stop talking rubbish" , and words that would make a sailor blush too,!!!! He refused lunch, then complained he never gets anything to eat here,,.. Called me for everything threatened to sell the house and change his will.... All because I was on the phone talking to a woman he dislikes,,,, ( he dislikes all my friends) I am u nable to reason with him..... Do other women find that their partners with cancer are emotionally unstable like that? Susy ,,,
Super Contributor
Hi Susy, this is such a hard situation. I didn't experience it with my husband (and I feel enormously lucky and grateful for that), but I have heard of it a few times, particularly if the medications include steroids. If your husband is on steroids it might be worth discussing this with his GP, to see if his medication can be adjusted at all. If not, it still might be worthwhile discussing with the GP, especially if it goes on for more than a day or two- you don't have to put up with this treatment unsupported. Sending big hugs your way, Emily
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Susy, I also have had this trouble with my partner. He is on steroids and I think this and pain cause him to be this way. I try to take no notice of it and carry on regardless and when it get to much for me I carmly say to him what I think of what he is saying then tell him I am going out for awhile and when I get back I want him to try not blame, attack or speak badly to me. This must make him think as he is usually much better when I come home. Hope this helps you as I know how hard and hurtfull it is G.
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Susy, I also have had this trouble with my partner. He is on steroids and I think this and pain cause him to be this way. I try to take no notice of it and carry on regardless and when it get to much for me I carmly say to him what I think of what he is saying then tell him I am going out for awhile and when I get back I want him to try not blame, attack or speak badly to me. This must make him think as he is usually much better when I come home. Hope this helps you as I know how hard and hurtfull it is G.
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Susy, I know how you feel. My husband is on steroids and shouts and snaps at the kids a lot. I feel helpless at the moment and at times,feel like I am walking on eggshells. I have found the cancer quite isolating as I don't want to bother friends and family with my feelings as it is my husband who has Lymphoma. Janey
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Hi susy know what your going through , it's so hard my husband has brain tumour. ,2yrs now ,2 operations ,chemo ,radiation , would like like to talk some one like you that is going through the same thing .
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Occasional Contributor
Dear Jenny Joy. I do empathise with you,,,,there is just no answer, I find the best thing is to try to get into their space, Try to see they are depressed and they feel very helpless, As usually the Man Is the one who is Brave, strong, in charge ,, Now, they are a patient. They get angry and frustrated, And take it out on us. I find the best thing Is for you to find a good psychologist /counsellor......I have been going t a really good one, He helps me to cope ,,, Also I have my spiritual beliefs which have helped The CancerCoucil has a helpline,,,,,you can call them ,,,,they have counsellors I found them helpful Also if you have a church Minister it will help I have a friend who is a Monk ,,he has helped enormously Good luck and may God bless you
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