Firstly I just wanted to say thank you for all the other bloggers sharing their stories that help me realise I'm not alone in this thing. We only found out on 1 June that my darling Mum has inoperable stomach cancer. She started chemo on Monday this week, and we were all so excited that she would be going home today to try and get back to 'normal' in comfort and quiet. The only problem was that she had a terrible day in terms of nausea and then breakthrough pain - and of course she couldn't eat anything, which she so desperately needs after wasting away so much. After we bugged them, they put her on some IV fluids, and I hope they've realised now that Maxalon doesn't do the trick anymore. They used an anti-nausea drug on Monday that worked so well that she actually felt hungry for the first time in weeks - but the DR said that they only use for the first 3 days of Chemo :( I knew that cancer was dreadful, but was shocked and devasted to hear that my Mum isn't ever going to be free of this awful disease and I can't bear the thought of eventually losing her because of it. I'm trying to stay positive but the fear and sadness keep overwhelming me.
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