Just when you think you are going ok, things stabilise but I can't relax... because I know what's to come and it is wearing me down.. How do I be wife, husband, mum, bread winner, counsellor, social worker, sports coach, taxi.. etc? I'm can't enjoy the slight improve cause I'm waiting for the next downward spiral... I should be enjoying the fact things are stable... I'm trying but I know it can change like that. My walls are ready to go up, get in self preservation mode... or try to He needs me... to be his carer, his support, his connection to the world... but I just want my old hubby back!!! I need him and I know it's not forever anymore.. makes me sad But I still try to look for rainbows, still try to smile when my kids give me cuddles... Gearing up ready for the next stage... here we come. But I know some of you are going through it now.. some have fought the good fight, some are just beginning.. the solace in knowing we have support is so comforting. Thanks for just understanding... to my new found friends be strong.. take heart and dig deep for when the storms of life come... you're braver than you think you are. Wifeyb
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