We have now completed our 3 week online. it feels like we have been online longer than that. I wanted to let you know that I have added a new feature to make it easier to share the content you think might be useful for other people that might or might not be members of our community or to invite new ones. You will now find at the bottom of all blog entries and forum threads a "share this" link. If you click it, you will have the option to send an email with the information on the post or to also share it on Facebook or on twitter. There are many more places where you can share your content so if you are part of other social network and you want to enable this functionality to share you content there just let me know. For the statistics lovers, our top 5 cities continue in the same order but Brisbane is getting closer to Canberra to take on number five with the number of visits. As of this morning we have 688 members in our community. In regards to the work in progress, I have also been looking into video, photos and multilingual capabilities so we will be working on that the next few weeks. Groups should also come in the next few weeks. Hope you all enjoyed having an extra hour of sleep on Sunday :) Wishing you all the best for this coming week and I imagine you might be looking forward to the long weekend like I am :-) Best, Raul
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