hi my name is jasmine I'm a 48 year old woman married with 2 kids and i was diagnosed with appendix cancer In February 2014 since then I've had 3 major surgeries and still undergoing Chemo and other treatments. I have a wonderful support from my family and feel blessed to have them My husband is fantastic and we are Lucky to have a family business which allows my husband to come to all my treatments and appointments. Sometimes though I need to talk to somebody who understands what I'm going thru. I would love to hear from anybody who has a similar cancer or anybody who just want to talk.
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Hi Jasmine, I am a 53 year old woman with 2 wonderful adult children and unfortunately no partner. I was diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma of the appendix in April of this year.. I have so far had 5 cycles of folfox, but became quite unwell and it was stopped. I am about to have my 6th cycle of bevacuzimab and 5-FU this week. So far I've had no surgery, the oncologist and I are more focussed on chemo at the present time (i am a hospital pharmacist, so understand quite well what my treatment is about). I would welcome someone to talk to as this is a rare cancer and like you, haven't met anyone with the same condition

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