After my operation, when I was waiting to do chemo therapy. I had to have blood tests every week for about 5 weeks. During that period, when I was visiting the oncologist, they told me that there was a slight chance that another tumour was growing. I tell you what, it will cause anyone sleepless nights when they are already dealing with just being diagnosed.
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There are some people who live with the knowledge that their cancer will almost certainly return .It's a matter of when ,not if. Yet some do manage to live an almost normal life and keep that fear under control. This is most difficult when newly diagnosed but becomes easier over time. I must add that little things can occur which makes a person wonder if it is a possible recurrence. We all must try to live our lives as best we can and try to be happy.
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G'day Josh For most of the past fifteen years it has been a matter of when, not if. So you can get pleased with the little things, that the latest tests dare not as bad as they could be, so that is a good thing. You also can get quite philosophical about things. I don't have a 'bucket list' of things that I want to do before the final recurrence occurs. But I do know people who do and they are getting through all tho things in that bucket in quite a systematic way. Good on them. Me, I'm happy to take things as they come, manage within the limitations from the side effects, and try to enjoy life as much as I can. I do find that I cannot tolerate turkeys as much as I used to. Don't have the time to put up with peoples oversized egos. I have said on this site before, but up on my wall I have a quote from TimCostello "There are times in life when we have to face the big questions, to look squarely into the face of death and then affirm the sheer gift of life" . Cheers Sailor For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. Kahlil Gibran
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