I love scrapbooking and have a strong need to scrapbook my cancer stuff. I've collected photos and bits and pieces that I've collected along the way but am a little stuck. I sit and stare at my collection but can't get started. I also am having trouble with headings and questions to think about. If anyone has any suggestions re anything to do with scrapbooking, please let me know?
Frequent Contributor
Hi pimbok I am not a scrapbooker but maybe think about the story you want to tell. For example, one of the winners of the CCV Arts Awards last year was a drawing done over the top of a pathology report for the artists mother. It was a very effective portrayal of illness in that family. You can look at it on the CCV site. Maybe start with an artifact you are fond of and ask yourself "What is the story here?" Then add the next piece or heading accordingly. Take it in the direction that your natural sense of the story of your cancer suggests. I used to have a hat that I wore all through chemo and then I left it on a train. That hat could tell a story...if I still had it! H
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Thanks Harker, Found the drawing you were talking about - great idea. Thanks for your ideas - they're a starting point. Funny how something so simple can be so hard :) Kim
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Frequent Contributor
Great. But no! It's funny how something so hard can be so simple. H
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Hi Pimbok, I kept the mask from my radiotherapy treatments - the nurses helped me sneak it out under my coat. At the time I had a strong desire to turn it into a sculpture. 5 years later it is still there looking at me. I can't possibly throw it out but I don't know how to define it - don't know what I want to say with it or about it. I look at the marks on it but I can't put it on. I could return it to the hospital so they can reuse it - that would be the ecologically sound thing to do and yet I'm still hoping the answer will come to me. In the mean time it's gathering dust and in the way. CJF
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Super Contributor
I'd like to see the finished product. How are you these days? Good ,I hope.
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Super Contributor
I'd like to see the finished product. How are you these days? Good ,I hope.
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