Well, things have not gone smoothly since I decided to learn how to ride a motorbike, but if it's one thing I have it's dogged determination. If someone says I can't do it, then heck, I'll make sure I do it. There seems to be a bit of a sexist air around riding a motorbike and unless you are a female who looks like she's taking testosterone, then you have no business walking into a bike shop, buying a bike or thinking about riding on the road - unless it's on a scooter of course. If it's one thing having leukaemia has taught me, it's that you don't know what tomorrow will bring, so you need to do what you want to do now. And I want to ride motorbike. Not a scooter. Not a peewee50. A roadbike. Yes on the road...one day. So, despite facing opposition, I am continuing to persue this and hope to get on a bike sometime soon. Joyhoney
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