Yesterday i spent time with someone who has received not a great prognosis. The grace in which she lives her life aswell as her ability to laugh and enjoy what time she has left is admirable and inspritational. To sit with someone in a situation such as this and be able to laugh and then have frank discussions about life and death and the bit in between, was amazing. I am looking forward to the time when we will spend a w/e together and thats going to happen shortly. Yanno, if i did not have cancer i would not have had that exerience. We met at the cancer council accommodation, Milroy Lodge, when we were both having treatment. We had lots of laughs and this person was told to keep her eye out for my 36 year old, tall, dark and loaded bloke ... orrrrr ... the 68 year old, loaded, with a heart condition. :) Julie xo
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