Hi everyone, I haven't been on line for a while. I was trying to pretend my life was back to normal. I had a stem cell transplant in 2010,pretty awful treatment for Multiple Myeloma. I took a few months off work, then returned to work in 2011. I managed quite well and noticed family and friends rallied around. What I am now noticing, is everyone thinks I am completely back to normal.I still suffer from terrble fatigue and I feel the experience has scarred me emotionally. I have increased my working hrs from last year and am feeling quite overwhelmed by everything. I think because I look sort of how I did before the transplant everyone thinks I am back to normal.I know I am not who I used to be, it is a very difficult place to be in as everyone expects so much from me. I am finding this point, post transplant to be the most difficult and I am feeling very alone with these feelings. Did anyone else have a similar experience? Rachel C
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