Hello everyone,
Just wanted to write a general update after our second week online (amazing, already two weeks!). It also seemed like some of you enjoyed reading a little bit more about the fact and figures of our grow and development as an online community.
After two weeks, our top 5 cities with more visits are:
1. Sydney
2. Melbourne
3. Adelaide
4. Raymond Terrace (Anyone who leaves nearby?)
5. Canberra
Brisbane and Perth are beginning to show on the map. We will try to get in contact to more people in those areas to see how we can reach better there. If you know anyone who would benefit of being part of our community you can use our invite box on the right side of almost every page on the site. As a curiosity, we have had people visiting our community from 25 different countries with the US, India, the UK, Canada and New Zealand being the top 5 countries after Australia.
We are also not far to reach 700 members.
At the moment, my time is being spent trying to figure out the best way to visualise the user's blogs homepages. At the moment, after having a look at several sites, I am tending to believe that combining the blogs main page for each user and the profile into one page could be a good solution. I would really like to hear your ideas on how you would like to see your blogs homepage if you plan to use them more.
Best wishes,