Well after two attempts at returning to work and both times i have ended up in hospital with small bowel obstruction...on my 3rd attempt a little over two weeks ago i ended up in hospital AGAIN last weekend,same thing,different doctors...you wouldnt read about it..lol..thats 3 times after getting a job this year i have been in hospital for the same thing.They are all astonished i was diagnosed with incurable stage 4 esophageal cancer and it hasnt recurred after 2 years.The doctors tell me they dont know whats causing it and it could be from my cancer and maybe affected lymph nodes but no identifiable mass can be found .In all honesty i cant help but think thats it obvious somethings going on there as i constantly have pretty uncomfortable feelings in my stomach, abdomen area. so basically i go to hospital in severe pain,cant eat or drink for days and get morphined out of my head until it goes away and then they send me home... a little like groundhog day..:)Lucky for me that this time i have an understanding employer that is aware of my illness and still willing to try and work around it and give me employment...I just cant give up..even though work can be a real b**tard sometimes and getting up at 4:30 is hard on a winters morning its the feeling of having a sense of purpose thats the main thing..oh plus working is 4 times what i get on the pension so its a win win situation and if i take one step backwards i will just get up and take 2 steps forwards 🙂
1 Comment
Super Contributor
I admire your determination and persistance . You are very lucky to have such a good employer . I hope that some doctor can work out your health problem and fix it for you .
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