Advanced prostate cancer

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Advanced prostate cancer

I am caring for my husband who has prostate cancer. 13 years ago diagnosed. Last 10 years advanced cancer.  Lots of tumors in his bones. He has been on 5 trials via Mater Hospital.  Last one is first time tested on humans so not too much data available.  Hard to know if drugs or cancer affecting him at this time. He is very unwell. Spends most of his days asleep or watching TV. Has no energy and lots of nausea and other issues. I presume this is the normal process towards the end of his life. I feel helpless to help him thru this process and all the uncertainty is hard to cope with at times. I endeavour to maintain a normal life if that's possible and be happy around him. I dare say this is probably all I can do in these circumstances.  

Cancer Council Team

Re: Advanced prostate cancer

Hello Pam35

I am very sorry to hear what  you and your husband are going through at the moment. You are a very caring person, trying to be strong and supportive under such painful experience.  If you are living in Australia please reach out calling our support and information line on 131120. Cancer Council can provides emotional support for you and your husband if needed (Counselling and Group Support) please give them a call even if it's just to have someone that can listen.


Warm regards


Cancer Council

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New Contributor

Re: Advanced prostate cancer

Hi Susana

Thanks for making me feel welcome.

I look forward to being able to share further and to learn how others manage in these difficult circumstances


Kind Regards  Pam35


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Cancer Council Team

Re: Advanced prostate cancer

Hi Pam35,

My pleasure, I hope you find the community informative and supportive.

Warm regards


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Occasional Contributor

Re: Advanced prostate cancer

Feeling helpless is normal. It's can be very stressful, especially if you care about him and want to "fix" things. All you can really do is comfort him. When dad was sick, I used to make cups of soup for him and watch TV. Just keeping him company kept his thoughts from becoming so despairing. My dad was more "human" in a sense when he deteriorated. It was like all the emotional walls of abruptness, business, etc crumbled and deep within was this beautiful but vulnerable soul who just enjoyed life. We watched motor racing, he had plans for building a model yacht, which never eventuated. He would quote facts about the RAAF in which he served and loved. And above all, he had no regrets.


Hope this helps.

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