Carer Advice

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Carer Advice

Hi, my partner has been diagnosed with advanced oral cancer. He is 43 and I am 39. He is unable to have surgery as diagnosis was done too late and now faces 7 weeks of radiation and 3 courses of chemo. I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advise on what to expect when he is going through this. We have never had children so having to care for someone is a bit frightening and I really don't want to let him down. Due to his cancer, communication is minimal so I really want to help him in all ways possible. Does anyone have any advise on what I can expect as a carer and any advise on how I can make him happy.
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Re: Carer Advice

Hi Wendy In the thread that follows Mary's "I need to tell someone out there" are some suggestions - Carers Australia and Carers Cancer Connect and to remember that the Cancer Helpline 13 11 20 is as much for partners as it is for patients. Cheers Sailor There are no signposts in the sea. Vita Sackville-West
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