Caring for mum

Occasional Visitor

Caring for mum

I am full-time carer for mum. She has suffered 2 strokes which took most of her vision. She has COPD severe and was diagnosed with lung cancer late.last year. She had a course of radiation therapy to shrink tumour that was obstructing airway. Whilst not a cure it did shrink the tumour successfully but her last scan shows it has returned. She is unable to undergo more treatments as her lungs are too bad. We are in the palliative care stage now. She can no longer walk and struggles with breathing every time she moves. It is so terrible to watch her go through this and she keeps telling me she is petrified of dying. She is severely depressed shows no interest in anything any more.  What can I do? 

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Re: Caring for mum


I'm very sorry to hear about your Mum.

It sounds that she (and you) are having a dreadful time of this.

Maybe try talking to the palliative care nurses about your Mum's thoughts and fears.

I think that most people are terrified of dying. The unknown. So hopefully the palliative care nurses might be of some help.


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Occasional Visitor

Re: Caring for mum

I'm so sorry you're going through this. This time won't be easy and I hope you have people around you that can support you.

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