Dads throat cancer

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Dads throat cancer

On the 13th of January this year my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 throat cancer, at first I was sad and then angry however now all I feel is guilty that my life keeps going as “ normal “ whilst his getting treatment.

I have no idea how to cope with what I’m feeling so I’ve been pretending that everything is okay when it’s not, I’m emotionally exhausted from keeping up the facade and have been stress eating which isn’t helping cause now it’s effecting my blood pressure..

I feel stupid when I say it allowed as I feel selfish for feeling this way whilst his going through this 

Any tips of how to navigate this would be really appreciated 😊

New Contributor

Re: Dads throat cancer

hey I’m so sorry about this , but I can assure you I feel the exact same I felt guilty to even cry like can I even or am I over reacting , and I feel guilty being able to have a normal life while he cannot function alone anymore
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New Contributor

Re: Dads throat cancer

 can understand that scenario, stay strong 

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New Contributor

Re: Dads throat cancer

can understand the situation, stay strong.

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