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Halo everyone, I (we) are joining in this forum from the top end of Oz (Darwin & the Pacific Islands). Recently, we were informed about one of our love ones who was diagnosed with breast cancer. We've had relatives who have had breast cancers in the past, but a close family having it is a complete shock for us. We have now found ourselves trying every possible doorway into getting a better support & treatment for her but it hasn't been that easy. We love her and want to do everything possible to help her get all the treatment she needs etc but the costing in-itself is not as affordable as we have expected it to be. Part of the challenge is, she works and lives in the Pacific islands so a better treatment and services would meant that she'd have to either fly here to Oz or NZ to undergo a professional treatment and support. We are doing everything possible that we can but a major part of our family-challenge on this, is the financial part of getting her treatment and support done. If anyone knows of where we can look or seek this form of support, please do not hesitate to contact me or reply to my post in here, any form of help would be very much appreciated. We believe that there are many other families and friends who would be in the same situation as we are and that, we would appreciate their experiences, suggestions, ideas or stories to help us get through with our case. thanks for reading and we hope to interact more with each and everyone of you. peace
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