Hi I'm a carer for my elderly mum

Occasional Contributor

Hi I'm a carer for my elderly mum

My elderly mum has lung cancer which has spread. Im finding it really difficult to cope as she has changed so much and is alienating my kids and even myself. I try to think of it as the cancer that has changed her. I have no support from family, no financial support, my life has turned upside down and I'm finding it harder and harder to cope. I look in the mirror sometimes and dont recognise the person staring back at me. My mum doesnt appreciate a thing I do, only picks on me and is angry. refuses to take her meds regularly, refuses to shower, Ive had to get nurses in to shower her and she wont pay the measly $12 a week fee for 3 visits as she said I should be showering her. I asked her to contribute something financially and she only gives me $60 a week which she says is more than enough to look after her, feed her, take her to hospital appointments etc. I push her around in a wheelchair with oxygen and my body is aching. My siblings say just put her into cair but I dont want to do that as its something she refuses to do. she is so angry all the time and hurts me emotionally. she tries to control, including my kids and they just avoid her now. this is so hard and people have no idea what its like. Any tips on how to cope with a palliative patient?
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