How can I help??

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How can I help??

Hi this is my first time using this forum in fact its the first time Ive ever had someone really close to me have breast cancer. Im trying to help as best I can but with her chemo about to start I would really like to hear from anyone who can help me with the best ways to help my friend. Her husband is really supportive and her kids are great but I want to be there for her but without being over the top. Hope someone can give me some good practical advise. Tks
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Re: How can I help??

Hi Dondon, Just be there and act 'normally" for your friend. When you are on the cancer treatment treadmill, it can be a relief to have someone to just be normal with...someone who will not be anticipating your every whim or need...someone who will interact with you as if nothing has changed. I hope your friends treatment goes well. Good luck.
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