Husband has Lund Cancer

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Husband has Lund Cancer

My husband was diagonis with stage 4 lung cancer last August.  He was on a trial drug for just over a year, it was working.  Unfortunately the cancer metatsized to his brain and he had to have surgery to remove it.  He can no longer be on the trial.  He started Chemo treatments approximately 2 weeks ago.   He has been miserable, moody and extremely mean towards me.  I get that he is going thru alot but I assured him  I will always be by his side.   It hurts to see him like this.

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Re: Husband has Lund Cancer


I'm new to this forum and just want to say that I'm so sad for you and your husband. Yes, it is difficult to care for a loved one with this diagnosis as they can become angry, frustrated and mean towards those that are the closest to them.

Try and make some small time for yourself...even a quick walk, coffee with a friend, reading a good book etc on a daily basis.

Being a carer is so hard. No-one wants to see their loved one suffering but you also need to care about youself. Easier said than done though ..

Take care 😘








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