Hi Jule,
We do seem to have heaps in common. 🙂 My mum is also the love of my life. My daughter too, in a different way, of course, but I often have the irrational feeling that nobody could understand how much I love my mum and how much she means to me. No matter that I am middle aged, I still feel like that little kid, running into her arms when she got home from work.
I don't know that they have said how many more cycles. She had 9 initially and had had one or two more before they stopped due to the numbness. She thinks that has improved a bit but it is still a worry for sure.
At least for now we can be really happy with the good results. My sister and my niece and Mum posted some photos on whats ap when they were out celebrating after the Dr appointment and they were all just beaming.
Here's to the good days for us all and for the good people who are there on good days and bad.
All my best wishes,