Just Reaching Out x

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Just Reaching Out x

Hi everyone,


I am new to the community and just wanted to post to sort of introduce myself and reach out.

My name is Ellen and my lovely Mum has very recently been diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer. She is receiving treatment but the cancer is incurable and very aggressive unfortunately. Although she is trying to keep hopeful and optimistic, I am very aware of the reality of her condition. I am 25 years old, my single Mum’s only child, and living 5 hours away from her at the moment.


Luckily Mum has a very helpful and hands on family coming to visit her when they can, but I am still her main caregiver and I’m struggling to cope with the responsibility and logistics of caring for her so intensely while also living so far away. At the moment I spend two weeks of the month with my Mum, caring for her, and two weeks back home studying for a postgraduate university degree as best I can.


Is anybody else caring for a parent at a young age and/or from a distance? Or perhaps juggling their life with the worries of caring for a loved one with cancer? It feels like a very lonely place at the moment and it would be lovely to be in touch with others who understand.


I don’t suppose there are any support systems or in person support groups for carers that anybody knows about and could recommend as well?


Thanks so much.


Lots of love x

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Just Reaching Out x

Hello Ellen98

I am so sorry to hear about your mum's cancer diagnosis.

If you live in Australia Cancer Council provides Telephone Support Group for those people caring for a loved one diagnosed with advanced or hard to treat cancer, this is peer support.

Please call our information line on 131120, to find out more  about these groups.

Kind regards


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